Linux Foundation and C4SB Announce Intent to Form C4SB Foundation.
SAN FRANCISCO – February 11, 2025 – The Linux Foundation is excited to announce the intent of the Coalition for Smarter Buildings (C4SB) to move to the Linux Foundation and launch the C4SB Foundation. The C4SB Foundation will

Unlock the silos.
Unleash All Stars.

Today’s buildings have siloed, walled-gardens of management systems that lock up all their data and lock in owners’ choices.
You can’t run AI on all of your real estate, because AI can’t see all the data. Your tenants’ experience can’t get order-of-magnitude better, because everything they need access to can’t be brought together. Your operations can’t get more efficient across the board, because you can’t see across your whole portfolio.
If the people you hire are trying to do it all themselves and win the Home Run Derby, you won’t win games. And if every ballpark fields their own team playing by their own rules, you can’t have a league, make trades, and grow.
So let’s unlock the silos, set up some common rules, keep a common scoreboard, and play together.
Then you can assemble, and unleash the power of, an All-Star Team.