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Apartment Building

C4SB is a coalition of passionate leaders in the smart building industry, bringing deep experience and enthusiasm to implementing interoperable smart information systems in commercial buildings worldwide.


  • We believe there is significant operational value in the implementation of smarter building technologies on the 97% of buildings that lack digitization.

  • We believe that smarter buildings provide a solid foundation for the emerging digital-centric workforce of the 21st century.

  • We believe that smarter buildings are a critical part of addressing the climate emergency facing the U.S. and globally.

  • We believe that smarter buildings provide for a healthier, safer, and more productive environment to live, learn, work, and play.


We are seeking participation from those who share these views. With your support and action, we can make a difference by making all buildings smarter, one building at a time.



Addressing this challenge is daunting for any one person or company, but achievable if we work together to create a revolution in how we view buildings. The coalition is focused on educating numerous stakeholders on what it takes to make buildings smarter​


  • Private building and facility owners/operators, aiming to maximize the value of their assets by making them smarter.

  • Fellow industry colleagues who are motivated to build their businesses collaboratively and build the industry into an effective agent for change.

  • Those currently and prospectively working in the industry, who want to build their own careers while contributing to a smarter, more sustainable built environment.

  • U.S. Federal administration and agencies, to lead by example on Federal buildings and motivate the public and private sectors to make their buildings smarter.

  • U.S. Congress, to codify regulation ensuring that Federal and private resources are used effectively by mandating and stimulating smarter building practices.

  • U.S. State Governments, to lead by example with state and local government facilities; making them smarter and motivating the private sector to follow suit.

  • Local Governments, tasked with building and operating facilities, to do so efficiently and in accordance with proven technologies and practices.


A common, consistent, and practical understanding of how to make buildings smarter is our strategy to improve the quality and efficiency of the over six million commercial buildings in the U.S. and Canada.

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